Last night, John Gravett, a favourite judge and speaker for us, judged the first of our competitions to be held online and using the new website. John had had some difficulty access the scoring system the previous day. Although this was quickly fixed, it did add a sort of nervousness to whether the website would control the competition judging, scoring, marking and assembling the league table of results. In the event the system worked fine and the results and images were uploaded automatically the following morning.
John, despite his lack of study time, produced a flawless judging performance. His comments were incisive and thought provoking, in some instances pointing out very small issues in some images, which just prevented them from gaining higher marks. These included horizons just touching people in the image, the choice of marginally better viewpoints to make some things stand out more, and tiny separations between items in the image just adding that little extra that moved an image up a category. A very good night indeed with 56 members online for the event.
Congratulations to Joan Sheppard for winning the competition and immediately taking over from where she left off last year as our photographer of the year 2019 to 2020. Congratulations also to Idse and Vince for 2nd and 3rd places. There were 13 commended or highly commended images and overall, 14 different members were placed in the competition. Congratulations to all.